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Welcome to the AAE Glass Blog

Welcome to the AAE Glass Blog

Hi, I’m Mark Veit. You might remember me from previous marketing articles titled “How to Approach Galleries & Sell Fused Glass” and “Word of Mouth is Worth Thousands of Dollars”. It is great to be back writing for anyone willing to read this. For those who don’t know me, I am Tanya Veit’s Brother-in-law. Tanya is married to my brother John. and the AAE Glass Art Studio in Cape Coral, Florida have been passions of ours for over a decade. Those of you who have been with us since day one most likely met me online when I packed your Tree of Life decals through Etsy, Artfire, Ebay and eventually I have had the pleasure of meeting many of you in person over the years and so many more online. I love “talking shop”.

Tanya Veit is a self taught fused glass artist who began her glass journey well over 10 years ago. Being self taught allowed her to learn from her failures. Much like baseball, developing and fine tuning a fused glass technique is more failure than success. A Hall of Fame baseball player might hit .300. That means they fail 7 out of 10 times at bat. That can be tough to swallow for many. In a world of instant gratification, failure is just inconvenient. We understand this and we also understand that failure in fused glass costs money and valuable time.

This is where Tanya thought about the one thing she never had, easy access to learning fused glass techniques. The expense from experimenting was continually a roadblock to growing. Tanya’s firsthand experience in learning about fused glass and everything involved eventually hatched the AAE Glass Education Center. Tanya knew she couldn’t be the only glass artist dealing with these issues, so she began sharing her successes and failures online with the fused glass community. Eventually those small videos turned into professionally filmed and edited online and in studio workshops. There are dozens of videos available in the AAE Glass Education Center from Tanya, as well as several other industry leading educators. Don’t get me wrong, and Tanya will tell you the same thing, experimenting for yourself is a great way to learn and grow. Many glass artists simply don’t have the money, or more common the time, to invest in experiment after experiment. So Tanya does the experimenting for you and offers you the final results in video form for you to watch anytime you wish. Most online classes come with a private Facebook group as well. These private groups are comprised of anyone who took the online class at to share with each other and the instructor. This is an important aspect for artists to be able to continue to learn, even after watching the videos several times. We like to say, the learning never ends at AAE Glass. We also host a general Facebook page titled AAE Glass – Education, Inspiration & Supplies which is only a few members away from 10,000 as I write this. There are years worth of beautiful glass art pictures to look at in there, not to mention all of the free glass fusing tips and tricks.

I am looking forward to discussing pretty much anything on this blog. Marketing, brainstorming or anything else that comes to mind. I hope we can build another helpful aspect to glass fusing at AAE Glass.

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